International Journal of Institutional Leadership, Policy and Management

Instruction for Authors


Prospective authors sending papers for consideration and possible publication in IJILPM should note that only original and previously unpublished manuscripts will be considered. Submission of manuscripts implies a certification that no part of the manuscript is either copyrighted or under review by any other publication. It is the primary responsibility of authors to obtain proper permission for the use of any copyrighted materials in their manuscript prior to submission.


Formatting Information

On a separate sheet the author should include the following:  a title that indicates exactly but as briefly as possible the subject of the article, the names, present professional affiliations, addresses as well as telephone, fax number and e-mail addresses of authors, an abstract, preferably no longer than 150 words, and a minimum of five key words for referencing.


The main body of the work should begin on a separate sheet than the title, abstract, key words etc. The author's names should not be included anywhere in the manuscript, except on the cover page.


Please use Arial 12-point font for the title, which should be in bold upper and lower case.


Use Times New Roman 12-point font for the remainder of your article. Tables and figures should be 10-point font. Tables, drawings, diagrams and charts with a clear title should be presented and numbered with Arabic numerals. These materials should be placed in their exact positions in the manuscript.


First level headings should be in bold upper case, and second level headings in bold upper and lower case.


Fully formatted manuscripts should be submitted electronically to ( or managing editor ( Your manuscript should be single-spaced and justified on A4 paper only. Allow adequate “white space” in the margins to allow for reviewing (at least 1'' on the four margins). Contributors are asked to use MS Word 5.0 or a later version. The main body of the e-mail message should contain the title of the article and the names, affiliations and addresses of all authors.



Papers should be written in a clear, concise style appropriate to an international readership. Familiar technical terms may be used without explanation. Acronyms and abbreviations are likely to need full presentation at least once. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of the two). Authors should edit and proofread the language of their work before submission. Manuscripts may be between 5,000-12,000 words in length.


Manuscripts should be prepared in the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. References should relate only to material cited within the manuscript and should be listed in alphabetical order by authors' name, year of publication, complete title of the cited work, title of the source, volume, issue and pages cited. Please do not include any abbreviations. See the following examples:


Single author periodical publication

Nwagwu, N. A. (1997). The environment of crises in the Nigerian education system. Comparative Education, 33(1), 87-95.


Multiple authors periodical publication

Maehr, M. L., & Midgley, C. (1991). Enhancing student motivation: A schoolwide approach. Educational Psychologist, 26(3&4), 399-427.


Single author text (book) publication

Naylor, J. (1999). Management. Harlow: Prentice Hall.


Multiple authors text (book) publication

Austin, H., Dwyer, B., & Freebody, P. (2003). Schooling the child: The making of students in classrooms. London & New York: RoutledgeFalmer.


Review process

The review process is expected to take approximately 4-8 weeks and the author will be notified of the status of the review as soon as the process is complete. All correspondence will be directed to the lead author of multi-authored manuscripts. It is the responsibility of the lead author to communicate the status of the review process and editorial recommendations to other contributing authors.


To ensure a high quality of published material, the IJILPM provides content and writing experts to review submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts are judged by the Editor-in-Chief for focus and format upon receipt. Suitable submissions are assigned at least two reviewers selected from the Review Board based upon the particular content involved. Both the original manuscripts and the reviewers' comments are sent to an associate editor for a final recommendation. Manuscripts with potential for publication will be returned to the author for revision, though requests for re-writes do not guarantee acceptance of the manuscript for final publication. Revised manuscripts will be reviewed again by the original review panel and one additional reviewer. Final recommendations will be based upon the quality of the revision and comments of reviewers and associate editors. Final selections of manuscripts for publication remain the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief.


Authors of accepted manuscripts will be asked to provide a final copy of their manuscript in electronic format or Word format on floppy or CD-ROM, accompanied by a hard copy of the manuscript. Final manuscripts may be edited by the journal copy editor for format and style.


Authors of accepted manuscripts should supply a short (100 word) biography for each author. This should include the name, rank, institution, institutional address, and e-mail address.


NOTE: IJILPM publication cost will be covered by the author's (USD120 for each paper within12,000 words and $50 for additional words/pages). IJILPM may grant discount fees for authors who are student. IJILPM publication fees are extremely competitive and are amongst the lowest of any journal offering open access publication. Fees are paid when your paper has been accepted after the blind review process is complete.

This is a publication of the  Association of Leaders and Policy Professionals


