International Journal of Institutional Leadership, Policy and Management


Volume 6 Issue 3, 2024



   1.   An overview of the management of early childhood education policy and planning in Nigeria.

        Lemea-Adoma, R. W.


   2.  The emotional intelligence of leaders and strategic planning in public universities.

        Osuya, N. U., & Cheta-Maclean, S.


   3.  Temperament of principals: A catalyst for effective leadership in Nigeria.

        Anele, G. M., & Ogona, K. I.


   4.   Leadership attributes ideal for enhancing personnel management effectiveness in Nigerian public universities

         Somieari-Pepple, E. S.


   5.   Collaboration and accountability: principal ethical leadership behaviour and job commitment in public senior

         secondary school in Rivers State.

         Mbarawii, W., & Amabibi, F. I.


   6.  School input variables as predictors of institutional effectiveness of public secondary schools in Ikom Educational

         Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria.

         Okoi, I. I., & Ofem, W. E.


   7.  Strategies for conflict resolution: Accommodation, compromise, and competition in improving university development

        in south-south Nigeria.

        Ojika, T.


   8.  Policy implementation: a master key for educational quality, effectiveness and national development.

        Nwosu, N. N., & Koroye, T.


   9.   Leadership practices for teachers’ quality service delivery in public senior secondary schools in Rivers State.

         Ihua, B.


   10.  Gender differences and similarities in career choice among office technology and management students in

          some    selected Nigerian polytechnics.

          Ahmad, S.


   11.  The relationship between teachers' supervision, manpower planning, and quality education delivery in public

          primary schools in Rivers State.

          Wejinya, T. G.




This is a publication of the  Association of Leaders and Policy Professionals


